
实现:8月. 19, 2015

沃拉沃拉大学 (the “University” or “WWU”) provides cell phones to employees who require mobile 服务 to adequately complete their job functions. The University cell phone policy establishes procedures by which the 信息技术 department will distribute, 服务, 并支持大学提供的蜂窝设备和服务.

  1. 资格: 一般认为,偶尔, an employee who has not been supplied a University-owned cell phone may find it convenient or useful to use their personal cell phone to conduct University-related business and that such occasional use alone does not constitute a valid justification absent other factors. 这些因素包括(a)足够的频率和规律性,以证明全年覆盖是合理的, (b)雇员在其他方面的重大自付费用, (c)在职期间经常出差, (四)这项工作的大部分功能是否可以在不使用手机的情况下完成, (五)使用流动电话的性质是否对大学的商业目的至关重要及迫切.

  2. 申请过程: 经过对资格标准的审查, supervisors who deem that a University-provided cell phone is absolutely necessary for one of their employees to adequately complete their job functions, should submit a formal written application to their area Vice President stating why the job cannot be adequately performed without a University-provided cell phone and explaining how the eligibility criteria is met. 副总裁将仔细审查主管提供的请求和理由. The VP will also consider the possibility and potential to shift workloads to other employees who already have use of a University-provided cell phone. 如果区域副总裁批准了请求, 请求, 包括相关的理由, 然后由副总裁通过电子邮件转发给信息技术部的手机经理. The cell phone manager will contact the employee and begin the process establish the employee on the University cell phone plan.

  3. 标准的电话: 一般来说,新员工将获得一部现代的Verizon智能手机(“标准手机”)。. 现有员工在更换时也将获得一部标准电话, 无论当前正在使用的型号是什么. 这些标准电话将由帐户管理员选择,以确保它们符合安全要求, 大学规定的可靠性和价格要求. 看到, 然而, section 4 below for an accommodation made by the University for employees who desire to personally acquire an alternate phone.

  4. 备用电话: 如果员工喜欢与标准手机不同的型号, the University will purchase such the phone (“Alternate Phone”) on their behalf assuming it meets the security and reliability requirements set forth by the University. 然而, 该员工将个人负责支付手机的全部费用, 航运和税收. 大学基金, 包括员工部门的钱, 可以不用来支付这笔费用吗. 这项政策适用于所有大学提供的手机,无论其工作功能或职位如何. The employee understands and agrees to willingly and regularly use the alternate phone for University business without consideration to the fact that personal funds were invested towards the purchase of said phone.

  5. 所有权: 手机一旦交付,就是员工的财产. 在WWU工作期间, 也是大学手机计划的一部分, WWU reserves the right to remotely clean/wipe/reformat the device if it is deemed necessary and appropriate to protect institutional data or security. 

  6. 设备保险: 大多数新手机出厂时都有12个月的制造商保修期. 上述保证几乎总是包括制造缺陷,但不包括意外损坏. 出于这个原因, 建议员工购买第三方手机保险, 特别是对于那些购买替代产品的人, 更昂贵的, 手机.

  7. 更换周期: Employees are eligible to upgrade their current cell phone model (at WWU’s discounted pricing) after a minimum of 24 months of use. 对于备用电话, 根据上文第4段,员工将负责全部升级费用. 禁止在获得资格之前进行升级. 如果员工的手机丢失了, 偷来的, becomes damaged or inoperable prior to the normal 24-month upgrade cycle a standard phone will be provided at no cost.

  8. 配件: Accessories beyond those which come with the standard phone are the personal responsibility of the employee and may not be purchased with University or departmental funds. 这包括汽车充电器、蓝牙设备、保护套等.

  9. 本地号码: 新的手机激活接收一个本地手机号码. 员工将收到一个与他们工作地点相对应的本地号码,而不是长途号码.

  10. 备份: The backup and restoration of cellular device data including the applications and data is the responsibility of the employee. 注意:这通常是通过Apple iCloud, Google Play store等同步数据来完成的.

  11. 北美旅行: Salaried employees may use their cell phones in Canada and Mexico by alerting the cell phone manager of their travel dates. Hourly employees may use their cell phones in Canada and Mexico with approval from their area vice president and financial administration. 一旦手机经理收到批准确认,业务将被添加到该线路. 在所有情况下, approval must be completed at least 3 business days prior to the travel in order to provide the cell phone manager enough time to make the appropriate plan changes.

  12. 国际旅行: When traveling internationally the University requires the SIM card to be removed from the device to ensure that significant usage fees aren’t accidentally accrued. The device can be used internationally if the employee purchases and inserts a SIM card from a carrier in the country(s) they are visiting. 这确保了适当的功能和个人容易识别的成本.

  13. 手机通讯录: The cell phone number of any employee on the University cell phone plan will be listed on WWU’s website in a location that is password-only accessible by other WWU employees (but not by WWU students). One of the business purposes for supplying employees with WWU cell phones is so that they are available to other WWU employees while away from the office. This business purpose includes that such other WWU employees will be able to locate their cell phone number in order to place a call to them.

  14. 个人电话费用报销: WWU does not permit departments to reimburse WWU employees who are otherwise eligible to be a part of the University cell phone plan for the monthly cost of their personal cell phones in lieu of receiving a University-provided phone. Exceptions will only be made if it can be demonstrated that the University cell phone plan does not have adequate coverage in areas to which the employee regularly travels for related business purposes.

    Minor and incidental use of a personal cell phone to conduct University-related business is expected in the ordinary course of employment and will therefore not be reimbursed to an employee who does not meet the eligibility requirements set forth herein. 如果申请学校提供的手机被拒绝, the employee is advised to desist from the use of a personal cell phone if such use results in additional out-of-pocket costs to the employee.

这所大学的手机政策, 包括未来的变化和更新都会发布在大学网站上供员工查阅. 定期审查和更新. 当这项政策发生重大变化时,大学手机计划的所有成员都将收到通知.