
Implemented: Dec. 2, 2008
Reviewed annually

Policy Statement
沃拉沃拉大学 is committed to developing and nurturing an atmosphere of excellence for students, faculty, and staff. 作为这一承诺的一部分, we recognize our responsibility to facilitate efficient and effective communications between all members of our WWU family.

电子邮件被认为是世界大学的官方沟通工具, 适当的使用是必要的和预期的.

学生、教师和工作人员都有一个世界大学的电子邮件地址. 所有校园电脑软件将默认使用世界大学的电子邮件帐户, 及内部电邮只会发送至世界自然大学的帐户(firstname.lastname@899ds.com).

电子邮件被认为是世界大学的官方沟通工具, 适当的使用是必要的和预期的. Specifically:

Your responsibilities

  1. 经常检查你的WWU电子邮件帐户. 大学的官方通讯可能有时间限制, and you are responsible for collecting and responding to email communications in a timely manner.
  2. 维护您的WWU电子邮件帐户. Official email sent to your WWU account will be considered received. Your email account should be maintained so that it can continue to receive official correspondence. Report technical problems or other obstacles that hinder the receipt of email to your WWU account to the IT help desk.
  3. 重定向WWU帐户消息的风险由您自己承担. WWU does not accept responsibility for redirected emails that were not received at their final destination. If you choose to redirect your email messages to another email address, you maintain responsibility for managing your destination email account so that emails can be received in a timely manner.
  4. 回复发送到您的WWU帐户的电子邮件. If you are unable to respond to incoming messages in a timely manner, you are responsible for alerting the sender of the delay and/or redirecting the sender to an alternate contact person when appropriate.
  5. Use appropriate content, tone, and structure when you send emails from your WWU account.
    a. WWU is committed to providing an environment that recognizes the inherent worth and dignity of every person (see WWU’s 反骚扰的声明, and 学生手册文明声明). Emails sent from your WWU account should be consistent with this code of conduct and these stated values. 禁止的电子邮件包括, 但不限于, 意在骚扰或恐吓他人的电子邮件, emails that transfer materials in violation of copyright or FERPA laws, 或者扰乱WWU业务的电子邮件.
    b. Emails sent from your WWU account should be structured according to standards for clear, accurate, 适当的沟通. Emails addressing official WWU business should include a WWU signature with contact information as designated below:
         Jodi Wagner
         沃拉沃拉大学 | 204 S. College Ave. 学院广场,华盛顿州99324
         T:(509) 527-2510 | f:(509) 527-2397 | e: Jodi.Wagner@899ds.com
         WWU on Facebook | WWU on Instagram |WWU on Twitter
  6. 报告令人不安或破坏性的电子邮件. Email messages received to your WWU account should reflect the university’s code of conduct and stated values. 如果收到不合适的邮件或内容, menacing, or derogatory, you should promptly report those messages to the human resources director (faculty/staff) or the vice president of student life (students).

WWU is committed to facilitating efficient and effective communications between all members of its university family. Students, faculty, and staff are first encouraged to utilize the following platforms to notify significant populations about:

• Lost and found items.
• Discussions/forums.

• Upcoming events.
• Announcements.

However, the university recognizes an occasional need to deliver messages to significant populations for administrative purposes or to communicate sensitive information.

  1. Mass email criteria. Messages addressing official WWU administrative matters and messages that are critical in nature may be sent via mass email. 这些信息包括, 但不限于, 世界海洋大学管理部门的官方函件, 电源/系统关闭或中断, 天气警报或干扰, and notices of a time-sensitive nature (such as last-minute event cancellations or relocations). 一般来说,群发邮件应该是:
         a. Short - 不要超过两段.
         b. Focused - 每封邮件只有一个主题.
         c. Clear - 主题行和段落要简洁明了.
  2. 访问群发邮件列表. A subset of WWU representatives will have unrestricted access to all email lists as designated by Cabinet. These representatives are authorized to route mass emails according to our policy. 这些代表包括但不限于:
         a. 营销和招生服务代表.
         b. 风险和安全管理代表.
         c. Administrators.
         d. 远程教育代表.
         e. 资讯科技代表.
         f. ASWWU市场推广主任(每周一封邮件).
         g. 校园牧师(每周一封邮件).

Email privacy
WWU will make every effort to maintain the integrity of its email systems, networks, and servers. Any email message that resides on WWU’s servers is the property of the university. 改善交通流量,减少垃圾邮件, 大学可能会采取措施重新分配和重组系统, networks and servers, 并会与受影响的电邮发件人/收件人商议.

While the privacy of email will be respected, the integrity of the data cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, 不应该创建必须保密的信息, transmitted, received, 或通过WWU电子邮件帐户储存.

通过电子邮件进行交流是可以采取法律行动的. System managers are authorized to take action as required by federal, state, local law, or court order. System managers are authorized to investigate alleged violations of federal or state law and to take action as required to comply with the law.

Mass email criteria
Mass email can be delivered by anyone granted access to send mass emails. This list is limited in an effort to maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of WWU email accounts. Students, faculty, and staff are first encouraged to use the university’s Announcements system in myWWU or the WWU app to communicate to significant populations.

Individuals with access to deliver mass emails should consider the following criteria before delivering a mass email:


  1. Is the email an official communication authorized by a vice president?
         a. No - see #2.
         b. Yes - skip to Step 2C.
  2. Does the email contain timely information pertaining to the safety and preparedness of WWU students, faculty, 或工作人员(如天气警报), traffic disruptions, etc.)?
         a. No - see #3.
         b. Yes - skip to Step 2B.
  3. 邮件中是否有及时的系统关闭信息, delays, or threats (such as server disruptions or alerts about fraudulent emails)?
         a. No - see #4.
         b. Yes - skip to Step 2B.
  4. Does the email contain time-sensitive information that could not be effectively communicated otherwise through the WWU app or Announcements system (such as cancellations or change in location for a campus-wide event)?
         a. No - see Step 2A.
         b. Yes - skip to Step 2B.


  1. 如果您选择拒绝群发邮件请求, 将你的决定通过电子邮件通知收件人, and suggest alternate communication methods through the WWU app or Announcements system.
  2. 如果您选择接受群发邮件的要求,
         a. 编辑群发邮件,确保:
              i. Clear - 主题行和段落要简洁明了.
              ii. Focused - 每封邮件只有一个主题.
              iii. Short - 不要超过两段.
         b. 将收集到的大量电子邮件组装成一个单一的提醒电子邮件.
         c. 发送提醒邮件.
  3. The email will be distributed immediately by the authorized WWU representative.

市场推广及大学关系 will provide information and any applicable training to staff/students/faculty regarding this policy as needed.

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